Google Maps: Why the application is not perfect in Peru | Trade | Technology and science | News


The features and updates of Google Maps are available at different scales in every country in the world. This is due to the amount of information that can be found in each market and licensing agreements with data providers, reasons that affect the application in Peru.

Google Maps is constantly working for international coverage. "Thus, in Peru, it provides detailed maps of its streets, geographical coordinates at specific points, traffic monitoring, indications of car journeys and walking.

But the information available to him For example, unlike the United States, Canada and some European and Asian countries in Peru, data on speed limits are poor and cycling This affects mostly time estimates to be carried in navigation mode.

In the case of information on speed limits, Google Maps explains on his developer page that "the function is available in the area, with data quality or approximate availability. "While the indications for cycling trips are not available in the area or their data is very bad he quality

Only a few countries have the coverage of Google Maps to the fullest detail. The quality and quantity of information available about them makes it possible to take advantage of their good news, such as the new Explore tab, for example. This group includes the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and several European countries such as France, Germany or Switzerland.

The data

Recently, the countries that were able to get their local network recently in Google Maps are Andorra, the Bahamas, Malta, San Marino, the Virgin Islands and the Vietnam. The service lost data quality in Venezuela, Ghana, Laos, Mauritania, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia and Sierra Leone.

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