Google save one of the most important Baroque painters: Bartolom Murillo


This November 29, the recognized painter Sevillian Bartolom Esteban Murillo It will be 400 years old and it was the date chosen by Google honor him with his classics Doodles. Is the Spanish artist considered one of the most representative of the Baroque thanks to its impressive tenebrist, naturalist and chiaroscuro technique.

Although this day was the one chosen by the popular search engine, it is not known for sure when its birth took place because there are no records. However, his baptismal certificate, dated January 1, 1618, indicates that it was customary for this religious ceremony to take place shortly after birth.

In any event, this same issue does not extend to his birthplace, as there is no doubt that it was in Seville, capital of the province of Andaluca, where he was the smallest of the 14 brothers. His father, Gaspar Esteban, was a barber surgeon, but died when the artist was only 9 years old. Needs started to be felt within her big family. This situation worsened when her mother, Mara Prez Murillo, died a year ago. later, in 1628.

His career in the arts was initiated by the hand of the husband of his cousin, Juan del Castillo, who adopted him as an apprentice in 1635, but after that, little is known of his adolescence, as much of of his life. . There are versions of him traveling to America, but the truth is that he will not have left his home town for a long time.

However, we know that he made some trips to Madrid, where he met Diego Velzquez in 1942, even returned to this land in 1658 and held meetings not only with this artist, but also with Francisco de Zurbarn and Alonso Cano, which, according to experts, have moved with his brushstrokes where the elements of the Italian Renaissance are appreciated.

What is certain is that the works of Murillo rely on a strong Catholic influence, a religion that professed, as the social portraits, emphasizing in desamparados and the least protected society of the Spanish society of his time, having between his most famous works and poor children as main protagonists. However, it was also required by the highest levels of society. In 1660, Murillo founded a painting academy with Francisco de Herrera el Mozo, which aimed to perfect the technical resources of art on canvas.

It should be noted that one of the known facts of his life is his marriage to Beatriz de Cabrera, 27 years old, celebrated in the church of Magdalena in Seville in 1645, with whom he had, according to some historians, about 10 children, 3 to 5 of whom died during their childhood. After a decade with his wife enviud and did not get married again. Since he died on April 3, 1682 in Seville, the same city as his father.

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