Google Translate: Dross Rotzank reveals these mysterious answers of the translator [VIDEO] | Photo 1 of 4 | Technology


Dross Rotzank is a well-known chain of YouTube that deals with paranormal and extremely strange subjects. Who would think that Google Translate the online translation service of the most used search engine on the planet, could appear on your list of videos?

With a duration of almost 8 minutes, Dross reports several anomalies that would occur if certain series of syllables are written

. idol of YouTube users have started reporting this type of "problems" in Google Translate from november 2017. Screen captures placed in the clip, which has over 570 000 views, They would confirm this.

Several of Youtuber's followers, who are now the subject of good reviews for the book "Valley of Calm & # 39; argued that they were doing the same research in Google Translate ] obtaining results described as disturbing

It is necessary to mention that the messages that would throw Google Translate have a very strong religious connotation.

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