Google Translate: Google Translator Shows Spooky Message About "End Of The World" | PICTURES | Viral | trends


There is no explanation. Thousands of Google Translate users have been terrified after discovering that the controversial Google translator has shown a scary message about the "end of the world" that will leave you motionless once you have read. [19659002] Millions of users are surprised by the Google Translate app because sometimes we find curious messages about the meaning of a famous name or known songs. However, an unusual expression affected many users of internet .

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What phrase do we mean ?, It turns out that, if you write 17 the words "dog" in Google Translate in the languages ​​of Mauri to English, a message associated with the end of the world & nbsp; . This is not the first time, because many times there was a similar one with other words.

"Doomsday Clock is three minutes to noon, we know characters and dramatic development in the world, indicating that we are approaching the end times and the return of Jesus," can be read in the translation of l & # 39; application.

After these words, millions of netizens were shocked to read the message that shows the Google Trasnlate, since some netizens were scared by the "end of the world," while for others , it is an error of artificial intelligence. The truth is that no human being can predict what will happen in the future.

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