Google Translate: if you put Milett Figueroa in Google Translate, it sort out curious result | Viral | Pictures | trends


Google Translate translation errors are a daily occurrence, as many characters in the show, such as singers, musicians, among others, have been "victims" of Google's controversial translator, the last "failure" of this tool. implies the Peruvian model Milett Figueroa .

Unlike other errors of Google Translator, in which the result slightly varies from the original name, this time the allegedly correct translation of the tool Google is far from the original word so he generated surprises.

YOU CAN SEE Google Translate: this comes out if you put 'Susy Díaz' on it. in Google Translate and you did not know [FOTOS]

do not believe it, Google Translate has messed up even with the names of great artists, one of them was the American singer Britney Spears that the translator "trolled" and confused with the queen of pop "Madona" Although it has been corrected, thousands remember it.

The new error of Google Translator, whose "victim" of Millet Figueroa is obtained by trying to translate the name of the Peruvian model of the Urdu language. & # 39; for & # 39; Spanish, if you do it right, you will get the & # 39; fail 'next which has become a trend.

As you can see in the picture, the correct translation, according to Google Translate, for the name of Millet Figueroa is "Nation Figures", a totally unexpected result which aroused the surprise in the networks, especially among the fans of the Peruvian model.

Although this failure of Google Translator is a bug it is highly likely that the developers of the application correct the error as soon as possible; however, the screenshot shows that the fault existed.

 google translator

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