Google Translate: Know the tips that the famous Google translator has | Google | Google Translate | Google Internet Translator | translator | | trends


Google Translate, one of the largest and most comprehensive online online translators, because it not only translates the language you want, but also recognizes the origin words that you ask.

Many users do not know how to take advantage of features that are "hidden" but in this note you will learn to take advantage of the famous Google translator.

YOU CAN SEE Google Translate: Impressive result when translating Vladmiro Montesinos [19659004] 1. Translate SMS
The Google translator also has this option. What you need to do to activate it is to select the main menu and choose the option 'SMS Translation'. and you will instantly see your translated text messages.

2. Translations by voice
You must enter the Google Translator application from your mobile phone and activate the microphone so that the application does the work you want.

3. Translation of a specific word
If you translate something into Translate, you can select a single word to know its pronunciation and meaning. Google opens a window with all the information of the selected word

4. Translate full documents
Many people do not know that Google Translation has an option to download files and translate them instantly. The page accepts text files in the format PDF, Word, Power Point or RTF

5. Touchpad
The famous translator allows you to activate the. option of 'handwriting & # 39; a table will open automatically so you can draw the word you want.

6. Speaking Another Language
This option can help you practice the language you want, just put the correct language with the same language expression.

7. Translate a Web Page
Google translate can translate a complete page, you just have to have extension in your browser

8. Conversation Mode
This is one of the most used and fun stuff, it's the conversation mode that can be activated through the cellular . Press the microphone first, set the language of origin and destination. This is so that you will be able to speak to the translator in real time and that he will repeat everything you say in the language you have chosen.

9. Translate images
With this option you can use your camera to identify words and translate them in real time. You must first configure the input and output language to see how this option works.

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