Google Translate: This happens if you put "Luis Advíncula" in Google Translate and you did not know it | Russia 2018 | Peruvian team | trends


You would never have suspected it. Google Translate surprised the thousands of fans of Luis Advíncula who could not believe the curious result that appears when you try to translate the name of the talented Peruvian player.

Google Translate, official name of Google Translator continues to make translation errors and apparently this will not end. Luis Advíncula player of the Peruvian National Team

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According to the surfer who discovered this error, he just wanted to translate the name of Luis Advíncula which is why he chose the languages ​​"urbu" to "Spanish" and more later pressed the option "translate".

& nbsp; Adenica Lace & # 39; was the result obtained by the surfer after translating the name of Luis Advíncula into Google Translate. Without a doubt, the translator made a serious mistake that could be corrected in the coming days.

It should be noted that this is not the first time Google Translate has made a mistake when translating the name. Previously, the application confused the names of Peruvian players such as Claudio Pizarro, Christian Cueva, Paolo Guerrero, among others.

 Google Translate

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