Google Translator: learn how to download a language without WiFi | Trade | Technology and science | News


The mobile application Google Translate is able to work without the need to be connected to the internet. For this, the user must download the languages ​​that he will consult. But by default, the service requires this process to be via a WiFi connection.

So that the download is not interrupted, whether it is quickly and without cost, Google Translator asks that it be through a WiFi Network. However, "you can tell the translator to download languages ​​even if you do not have a Wi-Fi connection," explains the service on its user help page.

For this, the first thing to do is to configure the application. Go to Menu (the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner) and choose Settings. On the pop-up screen, choose Data Usage. Then select the option Download translation files without Wi-Fi.

Google Translator will ask you if you only want to download it with WiFi, with WiFi or a cellular network (your data plan) or if you wish to be consulted before each download. It is better to choose the latter option, so it depends entirely on you what the process will look like.

Now you can download languages ​​without needing to be connected to WiFi. As shown in the example, you have to go to the application, click on the language you want to download and a list of available languages ​​will appear.

As in the example you want to download French, you click on the arrow pointing down next to the language. The languages ​​available for download have the same icon. Then tap Download. Confirm that you will download it via your cellular network and that's all. Now the language appears with a check because it is already installed on your smartphone and ready to be used without needing to be connected to the internet.

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