Google Translator Predicts the End of the World and the Return of Jesus | news


The Google Translation Platform gives you access to a recent discovery. The tool, now beyond moving texts from one language to another, predicts the future of humanity and other related situations at such an event.

Just write the word "Dog" 19 times and configure Maori languages ​​to Spanish, the translator will show the first revelation of mystical and prophetic type: "Doomsday Clock (L & Clock of the apocalypse) it is three minutes to noon, we experience characters and dramatic development in the world, indicating that we are getting closer to the end and ] of the return of Jesus "

This will also happen when the letters" ag "will be repeated 25 times to translate from somali to english

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There are many technological and systematic explanations Associated with this phenomenon, the first is that the algorithm of the translator seeks to create order in the chaos, generating these texts.

Another computer reasoning is that Google may have used the Bible, translated into most languages ​​of the translator's configuration, to create a model base for translation of minority languages, as Sean said Colbath, specialist of BBN Technologies company.

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Similarly, an even deeper conception based on mechanized neural translation is presented. Harvard University professor Alexander Rush explains that when inserting meaningless texts, the system can "hallucinate" to be programmed to "produce something that looks, at all costs, like a human language. "

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