Google Translator translates bilingual conversations in real time | Trade | Technology and science | News


Now you can have a fluent conversation with someone who speaks in a language you do not know. This is possible thanks to the Google Translator Mobile Application Conversation tool which translates a bilingual conversation almost in real time.

The procedure is simple. You must first enter the application and set the languages ​​of the conversation in the top corners of the screen, for example in French and Spanish. Then select the Conversation button (in the form of two microphones), and you're done.

The mobile app invites each person to speak by pressing a button assigned to each language located at the bottom of the screen. . When you stop listening to a statement, Google Translator offers a written and oral translation.

To speed up the process, the application also offers the Automatic tool. In the Conversation screen, this function is displayed with a button in the form of a microphone with stars. By tapping on it, you can speak in one of the two languages ​​chosen and translate them automatically.

The site explains in its page of help to the user that "to listen to a translation, touch the text box at the top". in case we do not understand what some of the parties said about the conversation held in two languages.

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