Google Translator: Why do you seem to be launching Bible prophecy? | Trade | Technology and science | News


When the service of Google Translator inserted into its programming neural networks – a type of artificial intelligence that learns with experience – the translations have improved considerably. Now, this technology runs on the mobile application of the platform without the need for the Internet, providing better interpretation of texts in other languages, but you can also find "hidden messages. "

The site "Vice" "Motherboard" "informs that if you try to translate" dog "[perro] in Google Translator repeating the word 19 times from Maori to English, the meaningless query becomes: "Doomsday Clock is three minutes to noon. We experience characters and dramatic development in the world, which indicate that we are getting closer and closer to the end times and the return of Jesus. "

The Reddit site was full of examples like this, Somali translations, for example, make mythological references to the Bible and cite the" name of the Lord, "the Deuteronomies, and more. While on Twitter, people accuse "ghosts" and "demons," the Reddit TranslateGate channel speculates that it would act as texts collected from emails or private messages.

"Google Translate learns examples of translations on the web and does not use "private messages" to perform translations, and the system would not even have access to that content, "said Justin Burr, a spokesman for Google's word, in an email addressed to "Motherboard". "This is simply a function of introducing nonsense into the system, which generates nonsense."

When the spokesperson received an example of these strange translations, he disappeared from the platform.

According to the means mentioned, there are many possible explanations to explain this type of message. He may be dissatisfied with Google employees, users who play to "suggest a change". But Andrew Rush, an assistant professor at Harvard, who studies natural language processing and computer translation, explained that internal quality filters would probably detect manipulations of this type.

For Rush, these strange translations may be more related to the change he applied Google Translator a few years ago, when he began to use the technique of "neural automatic translation". It's a system that is driven with large amounts of text in one language and corresponding translations into another to create a template that allows it to move between the two.

When the mentioned translation method is powered by nonsense entries, it can "hallucinate" strange outputs, such as how Google DeepDream identifies and emphasizes patterns in images. "The models are black boxes, which are learned from many instances of training that you can find," Rush said. "The vast majority of them will look like human language, and when you give it a new one, it is trained to produce something at all costs, which also looks like human language, however, if you give it something very different, the better translation will be somewhat fluid, but not connected to the entry. "

Sean Colbath, senior scientist of BBN Technologies, who specializes in machine translation, in agreement with the He explained that the languages ​​that produce the strangest results (Somali, Hawaiian, and Maori) have smaller translated texts than the most widely spoken languages, such as English or Japanese. This is why he uses Bible texts, translated into several languages, to generate a translation model.

"If you try to build a model with these things, it is possible that the model will launch. simply a hail pass (a semi-intentional word game) and sweep some of their training, "said Colbath in a personal way. Rush agrees with this explanation, although Burr refused to confirm that Google is using this material as part of the training of Google Translator . [ad_2]
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