Governors and mayors arrested this year for taking part in crimes Trade | Peru


The national police, in collaboration with the prosecutor's office, arrested Thursday in Chiclayo 14 alleged members of the criminal organization "Los temerarios del crimen". They are accused of crimes of corruption and organized crime. Among those captured is the mayor David Cornejo Chinguel, Provincial of Chiclayo, accused of being the leader of this criminal network who collects bribes to issue resolutions and permits to new transport companies.

In this criminal organization would also be involved the brother of the council, the officials and councilors of the provincial municipality, as well as the former director of Transit and the deputy director, who allegedly received bribes of 40,000 $ 110,000 for the publication of resolutions. for the operation of transport companies, and between $ 10,000 and $ 15,000 for the issuance of a provisional license.

This is not the first time that the authorities are involved in the commission of crimes. During this year, many of them have been involved in criminal gangs committed for the crimes of trafficking in land, trading in influence, money laundering, murderers, among others.

The cases are as follows:

January 31: The PNP and the prosecution have dismantled the criminal organization "Los malditos de Santa Rosa", led by the mayor from this district of Lima, Carlos Arce Arias, according to the Minister of the Interior of the time, Vicente Romero. This mafia was involved in the trafficking of land and hired killers. During the operation, at least 30 people were arrested.

January 31: The mayor Jorge Luis Barthelmess Camino, of San Bartolo, was arrested after several months of freedom. On it weighs a warrant for the alleged crime of embezzlement (embezzlement). Barthelmess intervened during the court appearance of the anti-corruption prosecution of the anti-corruption prosecutor's office of Lima Sur.

-3 d & # 39; AprilPolice against corruption arrested Aldo Martínez Véliz, mayor of San Jerónimo de Tunán district (Huancayo), after the prosecutor in charge of the fight against corruption had asked for his provisional detention for 72 hours. The measure was confirmed by the fifth court of the Junín Superior Court of Justice, the public prosecutor's office investigating the alleged authorities of corruption when they asked the sum of 500,000 S to an old collaborator of the municipality to accelerate the payment of your expenses.

April 6: The specialized crime police, jointly with the Huamanga Prosecutor's Office (Ayacucho), arrested the mayor from Churcampa province (Huancavelica), José Ricardo Taipe Pacheco, who is under investigation for money laundering crime. The housing of the authority was raided in Huancavelica.

April 27: The Office of the Special Prosecutor for Corruption Crimes of Ayacucho Agents and the Anti-Corruption Police, represented by Katy Yovana Bautista Mejía, intervened with Roger Ochoa Cárdenas, mayor Provincial of Vilcashuamán (Ayacucho), when he received 28,000 S / 2 and two checks of 324,000 S and 183,000 S. Funds would probably have been delivered in exchange for the management of the payments due to the consortium Vilcashuamán for l 39. completion of works "Improvement of the installation of drinking water and sanitation with the installation of UVS and sanitation of the community of San Martín de Erccomarca, Yuraq Yacu, Estanciapata, Accopor and San Jose de Tía ".

May 22: During a mega operation conducted by the national police and prosecutors, the criminal organization Ricardo Palma was dismantled, presumably led by Ismael Fernández Cabero, mayor of this district of Huarochirí province, in Lima. The bourgmestre was arrested along with 11 other people, including six municipal officials. They are accused of committing a crime against the public administration in the form of aggravated collusion.

August 3: He was arrested on mayor of La Victoria, Elias Cuba Bautista, unionized as a leader of the criminal organization known as "The Untouchables ediles". During the mega-operation, his son Eliseo Cuba was also captured. A total of 51 properties belonging to the bourgmestre were searched in different parts of Lima. The investigation of Cuba Bautista is mainly due to the misappropriation of parking lots.

5 August: Attorney General of the Pasco Regional Government, Jesus Claude Atala Palomino, was arrested for allegedly requesting a bribe of 3 800 Swedish kroner to an employer to process the documentation so that it receives more of one million Swedish kroner as payment for a job. The prosecutor would belong to a criminal organization operating at the regional government headquarters in Pasco and being investigated for crimes against the public administration and trafficking in influence.

September 16th: The mayor Paulino Minauro Villavicencio, of Ocobamba District (Cusco), was detained for 72 hours after being charged with the intentional aggravated embezzlement against the state. The preliminary arrest warrant was issued at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office by the Eighth Special Court of Inquiry into Corruption Offenses of Public Servants. An investigation is opened on the mayor for allegedly not providing humanitarian aid granted by the regional government of Cusco and the Civil Defense to communities affected by low temperatures.

October 3: In the midst of a mega police operation, the criminal organization "Los Charlys del Sur", allegedly headed by the mayor from Punta Negra, Willington Ojeda Guerra. With him, 14 other people were captured, including Miguel Ángel Saman Ballarta, candidate of this district for Somos Perú. According to the investigations, this criminal gang had set up a system of detecting vulnerable lands to usurp, clean documentation and sell the lots illegally in Punta Negra.

October 4th: The Ministry of the Interior (Mininter) reported the arrest of two the mayors districts that would be part of the criminal organization Los Ilegales de Amazonas, a network dismantled by the national police and the public prosecutor of the Amazon region. They are the mayors of Cuispes districts, Pedro Mori Rojas; and Pisuquía, Jesús Huamanta Vargas. This gang is accused of committing crimes against the heritage, against the faith of the public, aggravated usurpation, falsification of documents, criminal organization, ideological lie and illegitimate assignment of rights of ownership.

November 23: The national police and the charge were captured in the Tacna 21 region, accused of having integrated the criminal organization "Los Limpios de Tacna", implicated in the alleged crime of land trafficking. During the operation were arrested the mayor of the provincial municipality of Tacna, Jorge Luis Infantas Franco. In the evening, the regional governor from Tacna, Omar Gustavo Jiménez.

November 29The national police, together with the prosecutor's office, arrested 14 alleged members of the criminal organization "Los temerarios del crimen" in Chiclayo. They are accused of crimes of corruption and organized crime. Among those captured is the mayor David Cornejo Chinguel, Provincial of Chiclayo, accused of being the leader of this criminal network who collects bribes to issue resolutions and permits to new transport companies.

Case in 2017

In May of last year, the police and the public prosecutor dismantled a criminal organization dedicated to money laundering, which had been jailed by the former Ucayali regional governor, Jorge Velásquez Portocarrero, according to the floor.

Authorities seized four small planes from the North American Float Company, one of the companies created by the former regional governor, who is currently serving a five-year sentence for the crime committed against the United States. Public administration.

In addition, in April, the mayor Richard Ramos, of Chilca (Cañete), intervened at his home for his involvement in the alleged crime of money laundering. The PNP reportedly found in the property 240,000 S and 30,000 USD. With the bourgmestre, more than 20 people were arrested inside the building.

In July, as part of a combined operation between police and prosecutors titled "Cancer 2017", the mayor of Tocache, David Bazán Arévalo, was arrested as a terrorist financier. 13 others were arrested.

Meanwhile, in late 2017, the national police arrested the journalist. mayor Ángel Chilingano Villanueva, of Villa María del Triunfo, accused of being the alleged leader of the criminal organization "Los Topos de Lima Sur", accused of having charged fees to businessmen , carriers and traders in the district in exchange for allowing them to continue to operate in the jurisdiction.

Felix Moreno

In January 2015, prosecutor Ricardo Rojas León of the Second Prosecutor's Office specialized in money laundering, opened a preliminary investigation against the governor del Callao, Félix Moreno, for the sale of two lands: the Oquendo estate (70,630 square meters) and the Ventanilla plot (247,155 square meters). Other people responsible for his past and his businessmen are included in the complaint. The transaction would have allowed money laundering.

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