GTA V: Can you play without committing infractions to the highway code? | Trade | Wheels and nuts


Grand Theft Auto V must be one of the best titles in history when it comes to video games because, among other things, this open world has a lot of things to discover.

seen a thousand and one times how the law is violated in Los Santos, the virtual city of GTA V now see if it is possible to play this video game without committing d & # 39; offense.

For this, the Buzzfeed portal summoned a police officer from Los Angeles and invited her to play GTA V to do a series of daily things, such as going for a haircut or watching a movie at the movies.

However, to do these things, the police He must commit the fewest possible offenses. As a police officer, the task does not seem so difficult, but it takes a big surprise.

We leave you the video to know if she has committed an offense, but we told you at the end of her experience in Los Santos, the police say, "the game seems to be designed to fail."

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