He Jiankui, Chinese scientist, defends the effectiveness of his study


The geneticist – who acknowledged that his experience had not been approved by any official institution – He assured that the genetically engineered twins, Lulu and Nana, "were born healthy and happy," thanks to in vitro fertilization with genetic modification technology "that will prevent them from being infected with HIV".

However, he then announced that he would be taking a break in his clinical trials "because of the controversies" that have arisen.

"All the uproar is due to the news leak of my study, "he said, they arrived" earlier than expected", while the moderator of the conference, Robin Lovell-Badge, confirmed that the organizers knew nothing of the experience.

The scientist was "proud" of the use of the CRISPR / Cas9 gene modification technique and pointed out that the study was not aimed at eliminating genetic diseases, but at "giving girls the natural ability" to resist a possible future. infection of HIV.

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