Historical Document of Don José de San Martín disappeared from the General Archives of the Nation | Lights | Art


The General Archives of the Nation (AGN) He denounced the disappearance of a historic document signed by the liberator Don José de San Martín, housed in the premises of Jirón Camaná (former Central Correo of Lima).

In the manuscript, the Argentine general granted freedom to a slave who participated in the act of independence and who helped in the hospitals of the liberated army.

"We proceeded to the transmission of all information collected to the Office of the Prosecutor General of the Ministry of Culture." The specialized police also informed the prosecutor's office, Interpol, Sunat, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the prosecutor's office of this fact. regrettable, who will determine the facts, "said Luisa Vetter Parodi, institutional head of the General Archives of the nation.

The alleged theft was discovered on November 16, when a TV Peru team documented historic plays for a bicentennial special. What has been found are the remains of a sheet sewn in Protocol No. 671 of the Gaspar de Salas scribe. Apparently he was torn and stolen.

The last time this document was seen, it was during a guided tour for students from a Lima school on September 14th. Then he went back to the depot and no one heard about the letter. According to the administration, only two people have access to biometric control and all exits and document entries are supervised by a specialized team.

As you had chance to see TradeThere are 32 cameras to monitor each shelf of the repository, in addition to those that keep the only input gate activated in the repository. In addition, due to security measures, access to mobile communications is difficult.

The loss of this document in the AGN adds to recent complaints involving senior officials of the Ministry of Culture in improper arbitration proceedings, which resulted in the resignation of the Deputy Minister of Heritage and cultural industries, Luis Villacorta Ostolaza.

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