Horribe! Five years under chemotherapy … and never had cancer (+ tweet)


A man treated with chemotherapy for five years never had cancer / Photo: Mail

A man treated with chemotherapy for five years never had cancer / Photo: Mail

This unusual event occurred in Montrose, Colorado, United States. James Salaz says that he was receiving chemotherapy and analgesic treatment for five years to treat one type of cancer. After a while, he discovered that he was not suffering from this disease and that he was healthy in all its aspects.

In 2012, Salaz suffered from acute pain under the armpit that forced him to go to the hospital, where he discovered an abnormality in the left lung, he said in an interview with NBC.

After a biopsy, his doctor, Choon-Kee Lee, assured him that it was a Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LHC), a disease that causes abnormal proliferation of these cells, derived from the bone marrow, in different tissues of the body. body "They said I was the only one in Colorado to have had disease) ", commented man.

Due to the chemotherapy, the man suffers from pancreatitis and had to be hospitalized several times.

After several years, in 2017, the doctor who treated James was fired. He had to consult another specialist. This new doctor assured him that he had never Cancer. "I have a disease called" vasculitis "(inflammation of the blood vessels) and she (the doctor) has said to me:" If we had treated it five years ago, everything would be fine "Salaz commented.

The anomaly, in reality, was only inflamed veins, but because of the lack of treatment Adequate, the disease had evolved into a form known as granulomatosis with polyangiitis.

Due to chemotherapy, now the man is suffering from pancreatitis and he had to be hospitalized several times.

(With information from Mail , The truth and WRadio)

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