Hotel rate with an increase of at least 20% of Paracas by CADE | Economy | Businesses


The main spa of the region Ica, Paracas, plans to raise around US $ 4 million in the execution of the Annual Leadership Congress (CADE 2018), which will be developed from November 28 to 30, 5% more than the previous edition of 2017, believes the Chamber of Tourism and Foreign Trade of Paracas (Capatur).

"We expect an attendance of about 4,500 people, a number similar to last year, among businessmen, exhibitors, ambassadors, among others; "Expects that they spend a little more for housing, food, transportation, among other expenses," says Capatur's president, Eduardo Jáuregui.


And because of the large number of people participating in the aforementioned event, the Peru Hotel Society (SHP), stressed that the hotel occupancy in Paracas in November, it will reach 100%, while it is normally 50%.

The average hotel rate, because of the increased costs of hiring and hiring staff, increases by at least 20%, according to the association.

"Hotels can benefit from the" rack "rate, which is the highest price at which a room can be sold, and which is offered when the hotel is in high demand and that few rooms," warned the manager. General of the SHP, Tibisay. Monsalve

Does Paracas have enough hotel offers? for Eduardo Jáuregui, the resort has enough establishments, considering the presence of more than 50 hotels, mainly from the category of two to five stars.

"Also in March of next year, the Radisson Resort Hotel will begin operating, which will add to the offer of first class hotels such as Hilton, San Agustín. , Aranwa, among others, "he said.

Jáuregui added that a new three-star hotel is under construction in the Paracas golf area and twenty or so accommodation establishments with 15 to 20 rooms in the San Martín area.

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