Huánuco: an earthquake of magnitude 3.8 was recorded in Pachitea | Peru


An earthquake of magnitude 3.8 was recorded at Huanuco on Wednesday night at 10:10 pm, without causing any casualties or material damage, reported the Geophysical Institute of Peru (PGI).

according to PGI, the epicenter of this telluric movement was recorded 29 km northeast of Panao, Pachitea, in Huanuco, and 12 kilometers deep.

In case of earthquake, the authorities of Indeci recommend to act calmly and to have identified the safe areas inside and outside the house , to avoid bodily injury too serious.

They also warned against a backpack containing tools, a portable radio and non-perishable canned staples.

Peru is located in the area of ​​the Pacific Ring of Fire, where about 85% of the world's seismic activity is recorded.

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