"Impossible Mission": This is the scene of Tom Cruise that has let the production believe that he was dead | VIDEO | Photo 1 of 6 | Shows | International Shows


L & # 39; actor Tom Cruise he is known for his extraordinary risk scenes in which he always demonstrates all his versatility; However, not all acrobatics are simple and some might even cost you your life.

During the shooting of the last band "Mission Impossible: Fallout", the actor performed a maneuver by which filmmakers and their colleagues thought thatwas dead.

Esquire magazine confirmed that members of the production team of the last band of "Impossible mission" they thought that Tom Cruise he had died after recording a risky scene in which he had hung on a rope under a helicopter and fell on the cargo in which the aircraft was.

In the last part of the film, you can see the precise moment in which Cruise perform this deadly stunt. Rebecca Ferguson and Henry Cavill, the co-protagonists of the film, told how they lived it.

"I heard myself screaming, I really thought it had fallen."Ferguson said. "There was a strangled cry from all participants," he says, on the other hand, Henry Cavill to Esquire magazine.

"You know it's going to have a big impact, it takes my breath away, you do not do a lot of that shooting, you do it until you get it, so it's like" please, let's move on to something else. "he commented Tom Cruise.

The risk scenes are not unrelated to Tom Cruise, who has already suffered injuries during filming: he broke his ankle jumping between the roofs of London.

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