Inppares conducts a free HIV testing campaign


As of this Saturday, Inppares will carry out a free campaign HIV testing in all of its headquarters in Lima and the provinces, with the aim of allowing those who suspect of being infected with the virus to spread the virus.

This rapid test will consist of a psychological consultation during which the patient will be informed of the procedure to follow if the clinical test is positive. To confirm his suspicions, he will have to perform another analysis at the same time to be 100% sure.

"Get tested for HIV, follow life" is the name of the free campaign to prevent the population from the consequences of this disease, which has claimed the lives of thousands of people around the world.

According to the Ministry of Health (Minsa) in Peru, there are 72 thousand people who live with HIV, of which only 78% know their diagnosis, a figure that warns about the ignorance of potential infected.

The places where the test will be held, in Lima, are the premises of Jesús María from 7:30 am. until 19:30, in Ate, Comas, San Juan de Lurigancho and Los Olivos This will be from 9:00 to 19:00

In the provinces (Arequipa, Chiclayo, Chimbote and Tacna), Inppares recommended confirming the hours of service by contacting them through its website ( or its Facebook profile to corroborate schedules.


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