Instagram: Adela Noriega does not want to come back to play in soap operas


November 27, 2018 at 18:00.

Amid the uncertainty aroused by the forthcoming return to the telenovelas of Adela Noriega, the actress went out to give her version through her narrative of Instagram.

In an interview with Adela Micha for the show "The Saga", actor Fernando Carrillo said that Adela Noriega, with whom he worked at telenovela & # 39; María Isabel & # 39; (1997-1998), could be on the verge of returning to Televisa and, again, with him again.

"I feel you want to go back and maybe we'll come back together on screen," he said. artist in the program "The Saga".

This is not the only time Fernando Carrillo has talked about the possible return of his companion on television. According to information from the portal La Opinion, the actor announced at the end of September that he was going to meet Adela Noriega.

"I just talked to Adela's sister and see her next week, maybe I'll convince her to make a movie […]"he stressed actor who was born in Venezuela but who made a career in Mexico on protagonists of soap operas such as "El privilegio de amar" (1998), "El manantial" (2001) and "Amor real" (2003).

Him too singer that these past few days have made a sensation on Instagram for her bold audited photographs that seek to convince Adela Noriega, whom he considers her friend, to resume her acting career after more than 10 years of absence from the entertainment world.

"[…] I always think of her (Adela) for all the characters. Now, I'm developing a film called "My Daughter's Best Friend", which could become the number one American box office, "said Fernando Carrillo.

However, the actress Adela Noriega He reappeared on Instagram and talked about his artistic future with strength.

To the sadness of her faithful followers who hoped that the actress would return to the screens, she ruled that she was again exposed to lightning. He also assured that he is happy with his current situation.

"And it's me, Adela Noriega … After so many years … I'm no longer the same Adela as before, but I'm happy and I feel very satisfied with everything that I'm Have been able to train for almost 8 years.I'm happy and I will continue like this.I want to inform you that, no, I have not decided to return to TV, "said Adela Noriega on Instagram .

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