Instagram | How do questions work in stories that become trendy? | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


Instagram placed a new sticker on stories that quickly became trendy. In them, users can interact with their followers through a system of questions and answers, as happened with applications or Curious Cat.

This function is anonymous to provide the answer, but not in the case of the question, as the user will know who is being formulated.

Know the steps to use this new feature

You must first download the latest version of Instagram. Then enter in the tab "add a new story."

Once done, the user must take a picture that serves as the bottom of the screen. Then click on the stickers button in the upper right corner.

Select the sticker that says questions, write the one you want to make to your followers and publish the story in the profile.

The responses of followers will appear when the user views who has seen their stories.

When you click on the answers, you can publish them in the story so that the rest of the followers can see them. They will be shared anonymously, although it is possible to reveal who asked the question by labeling the person with the sticker sticker.

In this way, Instagram seeks to increase its attractiveness for users who use this platform to make themselves known.

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