Is a Galaxy Face ID coming up? Samsung has patented a biometric camera


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Image: Bigstock

One of the smartphones that last year attracted the attention of the media and fans was the launch of iPhone X which commemorates a decade of this iconic device on the market and, although sales have not started as expected Apple, this year began to explode.

refer data from Strategy Analytics which point out that the smartphone commemorating Apple's decade in this market, was the highest-selling in the first quarter of 2018, recording $ 16 million Sold units worldwide

And, one of its main qualities that distinguished it from the market is the Face ID 3D facial recognition system which, among other functions, allows to unlock the device with the face

Although this function f We are interviewed in the iPhone X, it is clear that it is a technology that attracts users and, therefore, other brands are looking to develop their own technology.

Such is the case of his greatest rival, Samsung. According to press reports, South Korea registered a patent with the Patent and Trademark Office of the United States on a technology that will allow it to incorporate into its smartphones Function of recognition of the 3D iris and face

In fact, it could even be superior and safer for Apple because it would also work in the camera. darkness and could even do eye tracking, according to CNet's exhibition.

Eye, it's not that they copy to Cupertino's technology, various media are referring that Samsung has been working on this technology since – at least – 2014, but has not officially incorporated the devices that are already on the market.

Why do this movement, at first, because they are probably already at a point of maturity that allows us to introduce it on certain models, we know that this year will present the [Note[19459] and that the next is expected on Galaxy S10 however, it is likely that this technology will be seen in future generations.

In the end, Samsung does not want to lose touch with Apple in terms of technology and innovation, two values ​​that have allowed the two brands to generate communities of very loyal customers.


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