It seems that Fuchsia OS will be the substitute for Android in 2023


Much has been said about Fuchsia OS in recent months, for those who do not know anything, it's a new Google operating system in which the company works for over a year, and of course wrote from scratch, and whose main difference with Android is that Fuchsia OS is not Linux-based, and is also intended to be multi-device, it is, it can be used in computers, smartphones, wearables and home devices

The fact that Google wants to create its own ecosystem is well known by many, and Fuchsia OS could be the missing piece in the puzzle Google's future plans, and that new information has emerged on this mysterious operating system, which is said to be the replacement for Android and Chrome OS.

This is mentioned by Bloomberg, who had access to new information, indicating that Google already has a well-defined team of 100 engineers who will work The Fuchsia operating system will be the replacement for Android.

Fuchsia OS will not be the replacement for Android?

Their work will not be easy, they should replace the most used mobile operating system in the world, and this can be something good or bad, it all depends on how this new system is used. exploitation is presented, and especially of its functional and evolved character

The first product with Fuchsia OS will arrive in 2021

The source mentions that the first product with Fuchsia OS will arrive in 2021, and it will not be a phone, a computer or tablet, but a domestic device, probably the evolution of Google Home, and that is how Google will introduce its new system

It is said that Google wants this operating system to be present in all smart devices able to connect to the Internet, so in theory Google could create the best ecosystem on the market.

or, it will be in 2023 when Fuchsia OS will be ready to extend to computers, smartphones, smartwatch, tablets and other devices. and so start to replace Android.

Fuchsia OS seems to be compatible with Android applications and games

What will happen to Android?

The reality is that no one knows, and is this the fact Google does not confirm or deny the existence of Fuchsia OS leaves all this information in uncertainty, however, much has been said about it Fuchsia OS will be able to run Android applications without problems so we will have virtually the entire catalog of applications currently available in the operating system from Google.

On the other hand, it is likely that developers can start working on new applications for Fuchsia OS with enough time in advance, while giving the transition between Android and its new successor.

It seems that the idea of ​​Google is that Fuchsia OS can also be used by manufacturers As it is currently the case, with the difference that it will be a more closed operating system, where Google can control security and operating system updates, this way we would have a much more update support similar to Apple .

manufacturers do not like this idea, some strong brands may decide to create their own operating system, but today, it is difficult for someone to compete with android and iOS, because creating such a range of applications is something that is not it only takes a big investment, but also a lot of years of work.

It is still too early to define what the future of Android will look like in 2023, but for now it seems that Fuchsia OS will be the replacement of the most used operating system. the present.

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