It's the treatment that a person living with HIV receives | TRUJILLO | L & # 39; industry


As part of World HIV Day, we must remember that early detection could save many lives by preventing infection and receiving treatment. antiretroviral.

The President of the Regional Association of People Living with HIV in La Libertad (Arpoll), José Otiniano, explained that treatments started with three other drugs, but that their amount depended on the stage of the disease.

"A person with this diagnosis to start treatment should undergo a clinical analysis to know which blood group belongs, lipid profile, liver, etc. According to this, the treatment is offered," he said.

José Otiniano recalled that HIV did not produce any symptoms until six months after a sexual relationship at risk. "After 3 or 5 days of decompensation, it can be a diarrhea, a fever or what people often confuse with a food that hurts them," he said. he explains.

Libertad has 3648 cases, between HIV and AIDS. 12% of the total population belong to the gay or transsexual community and more than 80% to the province of Trujillo.


To avoid contagion, the correct use of condoms and fidelity are recommended. Do not forget that the elimination tests can be performed for free at any health facility.

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