Jaime Yoshiyama: the version of the Congress is challenged even by the Fujimoristas | Politics


The last manifestation of Jaime Yoshiyama -Who told Fourth Estate that it was about the dead businessman, Juan Rassmuss Echecopar, and not the company Odebrecht , which gave him $ 800,000 in cash to finance the presidential campaign of Keiko Fujimori in 2011, he was questioned from various sources, including the People's Force (PF) bench.

Fujimorista lawmaker Juan Carlos Gonzales said yesterday that the former Secretary General of Fuerza 2011 (now FP), who is in the United States, must return to Peru to explain his change of position .

"I hope that Yoshiyama will come to Lima and tell his version.What does not matter, it's that he said 'A' and then he said "B & # 39 ;, he first stated that he had not received any money and now he said yes .If I was him, he would show his face, "he said.

Last March, the former minister also ruled out campaign revenue management, saying "the law prohibits the general secretary from entering to see the party's revenues and expenses."

In addition, the former head of Fujimorist was appointed by Jorge Barata, former boss of the company Odebrecht in Peru, to receive a million US dollars for proselytizing activities. Although the first continues to deny it.

Another member who marked Yoshiyama's distance was FP Congressman Federico Pariona. In the dialogue with Peru21, Pariona also asked the former leader to return to the country to respond to justice.

"There are many words that are there, the only thing I will say, is that the investigations continue, the correct thing is that the statements of Jaime are corroborated," he said.

One of the few who seems to trust Yoshiyama is FP spokesman Carlos Tubino, who claimed that his version "is hard to believe for those who do not have values".

"Why not believe it and Barata? The prosecutor has not tried anything yet, he claims that the money comes from the" Box 2 ", illicit source, but have you tried it? No, he says.

they do not believe it

Sources close to the Office of the Prosecutor's special team told Peru21 that the story told by Jaime Yoshiyama "is ridiculous".

"What Yoshiyama said makes things more complicated because he accepts the fact that he has received money in large quantities, as Barata said," they said.

Lawmakers such as Guido Lombardi (PpK) and Yonhy Lescano (AP) have also criticized Yoshiyama's position.

"Allowing a deceased person an act, donation, saying or doing is a questionable opportunity," Lombardi said.

"He wants to grab us fools, it's a criminal organization that wants to surprise us," said Lescano.

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