Juan Soler and Maki Soler end their love story with a statement | Mexico | Televisa | Telemundo | Shows


Everything does not last forever. This is what the Argentine actor let him know Juan Soler and his wife, the actress Maki Soler, who surprised their supporters and the media by announcing their final separation after 15 years of marriage.

By a statement that shook social networks and in order not to encourage rumors of their breakup, Maki and the actor who worked on the productions Televisa and Telemundo revealed that they were currently separated and that the radical decision was made by mutual agreement. .

"We want to share the decision made as a couple of mutual agreement, very thoughtful, of the affection and respect that we must put an end to our marriage.Spare yourself and give us a time," said the ex-partner at the beginning of his unexpected message.

Declaration of Juan Soler and Maki Soler

Juan Soler

The famous actors have ruled out that their relationship was terminated by a third person and that the cause is the distance. "This decision is totally unrelated to third parties, our relationship has broken down because of the distance that has been maintained because of the projects we have carried out in different countries." Keeping a constant distance was not favorable for our relationship ", they explained.

Before ending the statement, the artists asked for respect and discretion in their decision. "This process is difficult for both parties and we intend to convey it by asking respect, discretion and care to preserve the well-being of our girls, who will always be our priority," they added.

"We thank our audience and the media for their understanding and respect for this situation, as we will not speak further about this subject, all our love and gratitude, Juan and Maki are the parents of Mia and Azul," they concluded. .

The news was like a bucket of cold water for many since Maki and Juan Soler, who stood out as a big drama by "I convict", "Nothing Personal", among others, was one of the strongest couples in the entertainment world.

As you remember, Juan Soler and Maki Soler joined their lives in 2003. They then formed a beautiful family with the two daughters Mia and Azul.

Juan Soler announces his separation and a critically known journalist

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