Judge orders Latina not to transmit "La paisana Jacinta" again | The law


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The diffusion of "Paisana Jacinta" shows the citizen of peasant communities as a dirty, ignorant, clumsy, violent and rude people. This is contrary to respect for human dignity, the right to equality and non-discrimination on ethnic grounds, the right to honor and good reputation, ethnic identity and principle of tolerance of diversity.

This is the argument used by Judge Yanet Ofelia Paredes Salas, of the first mixed court of Wanchaq, province of Cuzco, to order the Latin American broadcasting company SA (Frecuencia Latina) which, although it ceased broadcasting the said program in 2015, does not broadcast it by open signal or cable. He also ordered the company to remove the videos containing the content of the program on its YouTube channel or on any other visual platform.

SEE AS ​​WELL: TC: Can the media publish published and shocking images of public figures?

The sentence, dated 19 November of this year, was declared at the amparo, presented by Cecilia Paniura of the province of Canchis, Cusco and other peasant leaders of Cuzco, with the sponsorship of Aporvidha Aporvidha and IDL in particular asked: (a) to instruct Frecuencia Latina to publicly apologize to the indigenous peoples of Peru; b) order Frecuencia Latina to suspend the issuance of each of its chapters of the "Paisana Jacinta" program until reprint your content, c) recommend to state entities the adoption of policies and measures outreach and education for all citizens, and d) order to remove all videos from this program on their YouTube channels.

In her decision, the judge cited the United Nations in recognizing that the said program discriminated against the indigenous population:

"In its meetings number 85 (between 11 and 29 August 2014), it stated:" 24 Despite the measures taken to combat rational discrimination, which include administrative measures against the media, the Committee remains concerned discriminatory attitudes that remain deeply rooted in Peruvian society and regrets that the media continue to spread negative stereotypes about indigenous peoples and Afro-Peruvians, as in the case of the program "La Paisana Jacinta" (Article 7) ".

You can download the sentence right here and / or read it in our Scribd file:

Res_798-2014-AA from La Ley on Scribd

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