Julio Velarde: Corruption does not affect the economy but it is important to fight it | Economy


Paracas.- The president of Central Reserve Bank (BCR), Julio VelardeHe stressed that the country was in a complicated situation following corruption scandals in the judicial system or in the Lava Jato case, while considering that this did not affect the economy, but that we must fight against this scourge.

"It is a complicated situation and we hope that the conference (within the CADE on the fight against corruption) will give some highlights (in this respect) .I think (corruption) does not affect 'economy', but it is important to fight it, 'he said at the CADE Executive 2018 meeting.

The economy is improving

Although the national economy grew only 2.3% in the third quarter, its lowest rate recorded so far this year, the outlook for the final stretch of 2018 is more favorable .

According to Velarde, public investment will be one of the levers from October to December.

"Public investment has increased by almost 30% in October and by 30% in November, which helps build, demand for cement," he said.

In addition, fishing – considering the favorable impact of the second season of anchovy fishing in the north-central zone – and the improvement of the mining sector, would boost growth in the fourth quarter, with which the world economy would grow by almost 4%.

"This is not bad, the population is growing by 1%, if we increase by 4%, the GDP per capita would increase by 3% .It is not the best, but it is rather good, "he said.

The consumption

Velarde pointed out that private consumption is accelerating and that, as a result, mortgages have increased by 10% and that consumer credit has exceeded this rate.

"Consumption is recovering because the payroll has increased by almost 8%, the formal private population, called consumer credit, increases by 10%, which explains the recovery of consumption," he said.

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