Justice acquits Movadef members accused of apology | Politics


The referee E of the National Penal Chamber of the Legal authority this morning, he absolved the leaders of the Movement for Amnesty and Fundamental Rights (Movadef) accused of the alleged crime of excuses for terrorism.

In this case, they were being treated Alfredo Víctor Crespo BragayracAlberto Mego Márquez and Oswaldo Esquivel Caycho. Also Manuel Augusto Fajardo Cravero, died last June.

According to the indictment of the senior prosecutor, Jesús Prado León, the accused had committed the crime of apology by writing and publicly broadcasting the "Marxist-Leninist Journalist Amnesty General" in his edition of September 25, 2010.

In this, it was mentioned that the bloodthirsty terrorist leader of Shining Path (SL), Abimael Guzmán, was "the greatest intellectual, philosopher, Marxist, Leninist, Maoist of our time".

The publication went on sale on October 12, 2010 near Plaza Bolívar (downtown Lima), during a march of officials.

-There is no crime-

However, according to the Superior Court, these statements do not constitute a criminal offense because they Guzmán he was not found guilty of any crime falling within the qualifications assigned to him in that publication.

In that sense, they considered that there was no basis for an award against the members of the Movadef. They claimed that it was not possible to incriminate expressions that, even though they may be criticized, have no criminal relevance.

The E arbiter of the National Criminal Chamber is integrated with the senior judges Pablo Ilave García, Emma Benavides Vargas and Teofilo Salvador Neyra.

-C is worrying-

The senior prosecutor of the national criminal crackdown, Jesus Prado Leon, regretted this decision and described as "disturbing" the situation that led to the court's decision.

"This sentence pronounced by this court is very worrying because, in this context, anyone can go out to praise the ideology of the Abimael Guzman Reynoso or the figure of Abimael Guzman Reynoso, at the head of this criminal organization, Sendero Luminoso, "he said as he left the courtroom.

Prado León brought an action for annulment before the decision of the superior court, which was to be examined by the Supreme Court.

"It's a sentence of some sort, it's disturbing for the subsystem and for those who fought against this scourge, they pushed these gentlemen to kiss and celebrate the fact that some were sentenced for terrorism and others prosecuted, the judgments of this court have been characterized by the acquittal of almost all their sentences, which is why terrorism does not disappear, "he said.

For its part, Alfredo Crespo The head of Movadef said the judges had pronounced his acquittal because "they did not let themselves go to pressure".

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