Karina Beteta after the resignation of Letona: "I regret what is happening in my bench" | Politics


The congressman Karina Beteta ( Popular strength regretted this afternoon what was happening in his group as part of the resignation of his former spokesperson Ursula Letona .

"I deeply regret the events taking place on my bench," he said in a conversation with the newspaper Correo.

The legislator apologized for making other statements about Yeni Vilcatoma's deportation request against Ursula Letona the day before, at the request of spokesman Carlos Tubino, to all members of his caucus.

"I will avoid touching topics that have not been discussed in my caucus," he said.

However, former former spokesman Fuerzas Popular also responded to MP Juan Sheput (Peruvian for Kambio), who had said earlier that new resignations would arrive at the parliamentary majority after the referendum.

"I do not know what information they have, unless they are behind these resignations […] the truth is that they are psychosocial who surely want to generate [Sheput]. I will not comment on the petty and selfish pretensions of some congressmen, "he said. Beteta.

As you remember, a few hours ago, the congressman Ursula Letona He announced his resignation from the seat of the Fuerza Popular Party on the grounds that it would not allow him to be used "as a pretext to try to divide" his colleagues. The decision is made public after Yeni Vilcatoma yesterday asked for his expulsion from the bench.

Latvia He revealed that he had announced his decision to party leader Keiko Fujimori, visiting him on Wednesday at the Women of Chorrillos Annex Annex, where she has been detained for 36 months.

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