Keiko Fujimori: Martha Chávez: "If I could change for her, I would change" | Policy


The former Fujimori congressman, Martha Chávez, said that if she could be in prison in place of Keiko Fujimori, she would change places with the head of the Popular strength because he considers that she has already lived.

In an interview with Milagros Leiva, Martha Chávez is surprised by her statements because she says that she would agree to take the place in prison because Keiko Fujimori is younger than she is.

"I went to visit her and I told her that she had all my support, what I needed, what I could do for her." I repeated something from her. intimate, if I could change for her, I change, because she's a young woman, she's a leader, "he said.

"I'm an elderly person and my daughter has graduated, it's not immolate, but it hurts so much that an innocent person is in this situation," said Martha Chavez, an extraordinary journalist.

In addition, he argued that the the fujimorismo It will not go away, although 56% of Peruvians believe it, according to the latest survey conducted by the Peruvian Institute of Studies.

"Keiko Fujimori is a crucible where all the minerals that are not part are compacted and decanted, and the gold remains alone," he said. "It will be strengthened, let's talk about two years," he added.

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