Keiko Fujimori: Renzo Reggiardo says those who have made mistakes "must pay the consequences" | Policy


Last Wednesday began the CADE Ejecutivos 2018 with the presence of businessmen and personalities of the political life of the country. In this context, the former candidate for mayor of Lima, Renzo Reggiardo, referred to the Keiko Fujimori case and the pre-trial detention to which he is subjected for 36 months. money laundering.

In this way, through a brief interview with the newspaper Mail, Reggiardo said that "people who have made mistakes or who have committed illegal acts, especially criminals, must pay the consequences of their actions," referring to the former presidential candidate of 2011 and 2016, Keiko Fujimori.

In this regard, he also indicated that he preferred not to mention a specific case because "justice knows what he does" and that "what I can say in general terms, it is that things must be done as they should. "

About his statements in 2010 on the formation of Force 2011, whose hearings ended with the majority of the dome of the imprisoned party to continue the investigations, indicated that "the time was in charge to give the reason of my affirmations of this moment".

"I'm proud to have warned him, and that's what the prosecutor and the room of Judge Richard Concepción Carhuancho as argument in support of the adoption of a resolution, "he concluded by referring to the decision of the National Criminal Court against Keiko Fujimori and d & # 39; Others accused as counselors. Pier Figari and Ana HerzLuis Mejía Lecca, Vicente Silva Checa, among others.

This Thursday, the CADE Ejecutivos 2018 will continue the second day, where Julio Velarde, president of the BCRP, was also present; Roque Benavides, president of Confiep; and ministers of education, Daniel Alfaroand health, Silvia Pesach.

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