King Philip is without friends? They accuse Queen Letizia of turning her husband into a solitary monarch | Photo 1 of 3 | World


King Philip is a family man. In his free time, he enjoys it with his daughters and his wife, Queen Letizia. But in his youth, the Spanish monarch met a group of very close friends who accompanied him throughout his life.

Apparently, that has changed. And everything would be for the Queen Letizia. According to the portal, King Felipe she's away from all her friends because she's never done it. According to Spanish media, the journalist's insecurity when she was just starting to leave with her husband, added to the difference of background, would have created a distance between her and the monarch's relatives.

But what would have exploded the bomb so that the King Felipe stop dating your friends is the discovery of the nickname that they all put to the Queen Letizia. According to the Spanish portal, they said "chacha".

That would have removed the King Felipe certainly from your friends. The experiodista would not have accepted the excuses of her husband's circle and would not have insisted much on asking the victim for forgiveness. Queen Letizia.

Over time, according to the media quoted, the few contacts that the government King Felipe He claimed that they would have been surprised at the radical change that they found in their old friend. And all would have been due to the influence of Queen Letizia on the.

For the moment, it seems that the waters have calmed down between King Felipe and the Queen Letizia. Both went on a world tour that took them to different countries. In Peru, the Spanish monarchs were surprised smiling and very in love. Will the rumors of divorce stop?

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