Lambayeque: Do not Forget Preventive Measures to Prevent HIV and AIDS | The society


The Regional Health Management Department of Lambayeque, within the framework of "World AIDS Day" commemorated every December 1, reminded the population of the preventive measures taken to deal with the spread of HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) and AIDS (Acquired hyponunodeficiency syndrome) In the region.

These diseases are transmitted during sexual intercourse without condom blood transfusion that contains HIV and during pregnancy or breastfeeding by a infected mother who is not receiving treatment.

In this sense, recommends the correct use of the condom in all sexual relations, reduces the number of sexual partners and can detect the risk of infidelity.

It is important to know that the result of the rapid test, in any health facility, will be in 20 minutes. This test is simple, free and safe.

It should be noted that, a person who lives with HIV does not transmit the disease by contact with your sweat, tears or saliva, use of toilet services, swimming pool, beach o river.

Nor does sharing of crockery or utensils, hugs, kisses, caresses or conversations, let alone the bite of a mosquito or other insect.

Until now, they have registered 181 cases of HIV and 57 cases of AIDS in the region, which benefit from free antiretroviral therapy and comprehensive health care.

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