Libertad: departments of former MP Michael Urtecho seized | PICTURES Trade | Peru | Freedom


On Thursday, the prosecution seized five departments, a parking lot and the depots of the former member of the National Solidarity Congress Michael Urtecho, which is under investigation for money laundering. The properties are located in an El Golf development building (Trujillowhich, according to the prosecution, was constructed with illicit money from Urtecho.

"Because of the events in which he is the subject of an investigation for having perceived or asked for part of the remuneration of his workers, in addition to appropriating donations, this building was built , "said Attorney General Telmo Ramón Zavala Bayona, Second Superprovincial Prosecutor Specializing in Money Laundering in Lima.

In December 2013, Michael Urtecho He was expelled from the Congress of the Republic when he was accused of keeping part of the salary of his office employees, as well as his bonuses, bonuses, liquidations and refreshments.

In addition, he was also accused of appropriating donations received by a disabled NGO of which he was a member. In these cases, an oral trial was opened against him in November 2017. The process also affects Claudia Vanessa Gonzáles Valdivia, figurehead and wife of the former congressman.

"During the investigation, he has transferred some documents under verification, but those that are already clearly identified are being seized," added prosecutor Zavala. He also stated that the money laundering investigation was at a preliminary stage as there had been delays in Urtecho.

The five departments, parking and building storage worth over S 1 million, were delivered to the National Seized Assets Program (Pronabi) and transferred to the state administration.

During the proceedings, tenants of the property in question withdrew their property Thursday without major inconvenience.

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