Loreto: Navy members injured during an attack on a patrol boat arrived in Iquitos Trade | Peru | Loreto


The three members of Marina injured during an attack against a river patrol boat of the LPF "Nanay", arrived in the city of Iquitos (Loreto) to be cared for because of the injuries sustained.

This is the second Marine Technician Richard Reynaldo Terry Rodriguez, Third Navy Officer Infante Marina Juan Antonio Ramos Nunez and the Third Naval Practical Training Officer, Gerson Carlos Ojanama Holland, initially served by the State Force Naval Service of the Southern Navy of the Republic of Colombia.

This morning, they arrived at the emergency of the Regional Hospital of Loreto, where Richard Terry was diagnosed with gunshot wounds in the chest and other parts of his body while he was in the intensive care unit (ICU). His two other companions had bullet wounds and are stable.

"We provide medical assistance to the wounded, one of them is serious and the other two stable, and the brigade was able to act immediately," said Percy Rojas, director of the regional hospital. Loreto.

Military families were informed of the emergency and came to the hospital to find out the state of health of the wounded.

The three navy members were attacked last Tuesday when the General Command of Amazon Operations conducted a river control operation in the Putumayo River Basin, in Manuel Clavero District Province, in Loreto.

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