Luciana Fuster on Instagram: the model shows affectionate with the producer of "This is war". and & # 39; Combat & # 39; Abneer Robles | MTB | EEG | America TV | Shows


Confused situation. After ending his romantic relationship with sportsman Austin Palao, contender of "Esto es guerra", the Peruvian model and former Miss Teen Luciana Fuster was linked to his friend singer Emilio Jaime. According to her official Instagram account, she would appreciate her celibacy.

It was on the same social network Instagram in which he published a series of videos that could confuse his loyal followers. In some recordings that he has made, he can appreciate Luciana Fuster kiss a young man effusively. According to the label that he placed on the record, it is about Abneer Robles Yunis, who would be one of the producers of "Fight", besides having worked for America TV for the show "Esto es guerra".

Luciana Fuster

In the video we can listen Luciana Fuster comment: "Look, it's love, meet you after a few days and embrace you with this force". At another point in the recording, you can see the Peruvian model edition, which used a filter of hearts to write a "I like you" while recording Abneer Robles.

In the photos that were found in the social network Instagram you can see the supposed producer of & # 39; Combat & # 39; next to Peter Fajardo (C & rsquo; is the war) and with Cathy Saenz when they were working together. Even a friend of Luciana Fuster went abroad to oversee the international editions of the popular competition program on Peruvian television.

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