Luis Miguel: Exhausted tickets for the concert & # 39; El Sol & # 39; in Lima [FOTOS] | Photo 1 of 5 | Shows


It will be a total sold out! Thousands of tickets to attend the concert Luis Miguel in Lima on March 10, they were sold in a week.

This was announced by Kandavu Producciones, the company charged with bringing the "Sun" to Peruvian lands, as part of its tour in Latin America: "Mexico forever!"

The pre-sale started on November 22nd and lasted until November 26th. Since then, many people have been waiting in line for their ticket.

"We wish to announce with great joy that all the tickets for the concert of Luis Miguel have been sold! There is no doubt that on March 10, an unforgettable evening awaits us next to the Sol de México at the Jockey Club of Peru" , did he declare. a publication of the producer.

During the first days of sale to the general public, long tails were reported in the various places of Téleticket from Wong and Metro.

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