Magaly Medina: "How many times have they given me my life and look" | INTERVIEW and PHOTOS | Photo 1 of 3 | Shows


Magaly Medina officially looks at the ATV shirt and, although some regard it as "obsolete" or "already completed its cycle" on Peruvian TV, says that it is "hard to kill", so she works to its reappearance and n & rsquo; Does not exclude the show

Magaly you are already at home, mountain bike …
Finally home.

Is there a date for your debut?
In this we are.

Will you resume the show or is it thrown?
Nothing is excluded. We are just creating. I can not say more for the moment.

You must be excited to be at home (you already have an office).
Of course. There is a penchant for Here's my debut and almost my entire career. Also with ATV, I lived in jail. In these difficult times, I had all the support I needed. It was always at my place and I return with happiness. I should have done it a long time ago.

Will this return be for a year or an indefinite period?
This will be seen later.

Magaly, what do you say to those who say you are old-fashioned (like Santi Lesmes) or that your cycle on television is over?
How many times have I given for dead and look? They say since the first year that I came out with 'Magaly TeVe'. and no matter who is sorry, I'm still here.

You are a tough guy to break …
I am hard to kill.

And to "warm up" the screen tonight, Magaly will be the special guest of the "Beto a Saber" program.

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