Magaly Medina on her presenter stage: "I wanted to be serious, but I do not have it" | VIDEO | PICTURES | Photo 1 of 7 | Shows


Magaly Medina It has been featured in the program of Beto Ortiz, with drums and cymbals, as the new "spectacular" jale ATVafter several days of negotiations with the directors of the chain, among those who were Ney Guerrero. The Urraca & # 39; returns after six years in the chain that saw her birth and is the most powerful journalist in the series and made the most controversial bulbs.

"I wanted to be serious, but it does not suit me, I make efforts, but I have nothing," he said first Magaly Medina, who wore a tight red dress, with Beto Ortiz.

"Whoever comes back is the" Urraca ", because" Urraca "is the" Magpie ", even if I wanted to become a little bird, I wanted to be a lark, but I can not, I'm a 'Magpie', "he said between bursts of laughter. Magaly Medina

Magaly Medina

Magaly Medina appeared in "Beto Saber", which marks her return to the ATV


Previously in an interview with Trome, Magaly Medina said that although some consider it "obsolete" or "has already completed his cycle" on Peruvian television, says that it is "hard to kill", that is why she is already working on its reappearance

"How many times have I given for dead and look, they say it since the first year that I went out with & # 39; Magaly TeVe & # 39; and, despite who weighs, I'm still here, "added the popular" Urraca ".

If your article will be the show, Magaly Medina He said that "nothing is out of the question, we are being created, I can not say more for the moment".

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