Manchay: A prisoner released for rape and tries to abuse another young woman | Lima | Police


A subject who was imprisoned in prison Castro Castro for violation since August 2017 was released ten days ago and attempted to sexually abuse the receptionist of one Manchay, in the district of Pachacámac.

According to "América Noticias", Joel Álvaro Espíritu Vidarte He used a cable to control the receptionist, who defended himself and managed to escape. Then, the man escaped as shown by the images captured by the local security cameras.

"He told me that he wanted to be with me, that I will not do anything if he does something with me and that he has police friends," said the victim.

In August 2017, Joel Álvaro Espíritu Vidarte was arrested for sexually insulting. to another receptionist at another hostelalso in Manchay. After spending several months in prison, First Criminal Court of Lima Est He granted Espíritu Vidarte the condition of house arrest.

On this occasion, he arrived at the hostel and asked for a room. He said that his girlfriend would arrive a few minutes later and that, by cunning, the young receptionist would have entered his room.

The CCTV cameras also found him running away after insulting the worker, said the host manager on this occasion.

Officers of the police station Manchay They have lost track of him and now he is free.

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