Manuel Liendo Rázuri: driver's license issued to a man accused of gun threats | #NoTePases | Lima | Transport


The driving license of Manuel Liendo Rázuri, who was recorded threatening with a firearm while driving Saint Isidre, it is already activated after two months of suspension by the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC).

The sanction told him that he had not presented himself to perform the medical and psychological re-examination requested by the sector, after learning the video broadcast on social networks. He had five days to pass the assessment again, but the deadline expired on Saturday, September 29th.

However, the score is now visible in the driver's license system for points where it is stated that the status of your license is valid in category A1, with a revalidation in 2013. In addition, no sanction or ballot imposed is not indicated.

It is worth mentioning that Razuri has submitted an extension application to undergo the tests, claiming to be unable, since it is in treatment. However, in his communication, he did not attach any evidence, the MTC declared that he considered the application inadmissible. The sanction did not prevent the reinstatement of the validity of his license.

Liendo Rázuri was registered by a driver after he committed a traffic violation. When questioned about the lack, he was aggressive and came to threaten him with a firearm. This occurred on September 21 and has spread to social networks, causing outrage. Institutions such as the Public Prosecutor's Office and Sucamec have opened an investigation into this case.

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