Marisa Glave asks Martín Vizcarra to respond to Roque Benavides's accusations | political persecution | Policy


During the debate on the law of public finances for 2019, Marisa Glave, of New-Peru, rejected the articles under discussion and the declarations of Roque Benavides in the CADE. In this regard, he asked the President of the Republic responsible for accusations of persecution of the business world.

"We approve a collective bargaining law here and now, this Article 6 Finance Act ignores the Collective Bargaining Act." […] It does not make sense that we have workers here at the door all the month of November, demanding compliance. It's not just entrepreneurs, it's workers, "said Marisa Glave.

As you remember, the President of Confiep, Roque Benavides accused of a campaign against employers during the CADE. "Please, do not be naive, it is a campaign of destruction, some political parties have been destroyed, they will have to defend themselves and we will have to defend the institutions of the country." private sector, "he said.

In this regard, Marisa Glave, seized her chance in Congress, to ask the President Martín Vizcarra who responds with Benavides' accusations. "I hope the president, just as he is strong in front of this parliament, that we have welcomed, and that he is strong here, saying that he wants to fight against corruption, I 'm sure he' s hope that he goes to the CADE and tells Mr. Roque Benavides that no one here is persecuting the businessmen, who must answer that they also answer for what they caused to the country ", declared Glave.

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