Martín Vizcarra: "Do not confuse political persecution and fight against corruption" | Peru | Politics


The president of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra He pointed out that ongoing investigations in Peru of former presidents and political leaders are testing institutions and democracy and that they are conducted with full respect for the separation of powers.

"The organs entrusted with the administration of justice enjoy absolute autonomy and independence to perform their function." I must reaffirm, in this sense, that there is no political persecution against anyone. This has been recognized by the parties and political leaders of my country, many of which are under investigation. You can not confuse political persecution and frontal fight against corruption ", said the head of state in an interview with the Chilean newspaper" Mercury"

Martín Vizcarra He recalled that the last five former presidents and Keiko Fujimori, leader of the party with the highest representation in Congress (Fuerza Popular) "are either arrested, subjected to investigations or evade justice".

"Not only is the Peruvian society affected, but the international community, which certainly influences the image of the country, but which, at the same time, tests the capacity of institutions and democracy they to make mistakes and try those responsible in due process, "he said.

Due to the impact of the corruption cases being investigated, not only in Peru, but also at the regional level, Martín Vizcarra, He stressed the need for an international response against corruption.

"Corruption is a problem of international concern, which is why we need a common response that will allow us to fight this scourge more effectively," he said, referring to "l & # 39; 39, Lima commitment "signed at the 8th Summit of the Americas.

Relationship with Chile

The president said bilateral relations with Chile were "one of the best moments" in the second bi-national cabinet to be held today, which will bring him to meet Sebastián Piñera. .

"This meeting confirms the qualitative leap that the cooperation between our countries made possible in the first Cabinet held in Lima in 2017, which put forward a comprehensive program with a vision for the future", did he declare.

The Head of State stated that the program was important and that important commitments had been made in border development, social affairs, security, trade, business and social affairs. environment and culture. Similarly, he assured that they will pay particular attention to the integration and development of the border between Peru and Chile.

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