Martín Vizcarra: "You can not confuse political persecution and frontal fight against corruption"


President Martín Vizcarra regretted that in Peru, the last five former presidents, as well as the leader of the political party with the highest representation in Congress (Keiko Fujimori) "be detained or fleeing justice." Despite this situation, the president asked not to confuse "political persecution and frontal fight against corruption".

In dialogue with the newspaper Mercury from Chile, the head of state acknowledged that this situation affected the image of the country. However, he stressed that these cases "test the ability of institutions and democracy themselves to determine wrongdoings and to try those responsible under due process".

"Peru is a democratic country where the law and the separation of powers are in force, and the organs administering justice have absolute autonomy and independence to perform their functions. I must reaffirm, in this sense, that there is no political persecution against anyone. " he remarked.

Peru plays a lot in the referendum

In another moment of the interview with the Chilean media, the president Vizcarra He said Peru played "a lot" in the referendum on December 9, as constitutional reforms have been pending for years. In this sense, he was convinced that this consultation of citizens would strengthen democracy in Peru.

"Peru is undertaking these reforms within the framework of democracy, what is fundamental is that it is the population that ultimately decides whether or not to accept the reforms, which will give greater legitimacy to the reforms. convinced that the 9 December referendum will strengthen democracy in my country, "he said in an interview with the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio.

As requested, the public will decide on 9 December, in the referendum, reforms proposing to return to the bicameral parliamentary system, amending the law on the financing of political parties, restructuring the National Council of the Judiciary and prohibiting the re-election of members of the congress.

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