Meet King Tide, a Battle Royale under the water


Battle Royale's production is as fast and efficient as if Henry Ford was directing it from the grave as they did not stop announcing new titles, as was the case of King Tide Created by Development Studio Digital Confectionery

In King Tide 100 Divers Enter the Depths, Looking for Weapons and Resources Hidden in Ruins underwater, wrecks and other geographical features that one can find in such a biome. Instead of an abstract play area or a storm, an army of sharks revolves around the playground coming closer and closer [19659003] We can explore the scenario with the novelty of a huge verticality of movement and deal with the other players and sharks mentioned above. The boys Digital Confectioners should make good use of the resources and experience gained in their previous multiplayer title " Depth ", which pitted divers against sharks. King Tide will arrive at Steam in August and an output version is scheduled for some time from 2019 .

Will there be enough for to be a game beyond the anecdotal or will it suffer a cold welcome from the industry more than satisfied with the big ones like PUBG and Fortinte?

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