Mexico: Angélica Rivera scandalizes her six years as first lady | PICTURES Trade | Television | Farándula


December 1st Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto will hand over the country's command to the president-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador at a ceremony attended by national and international guests. Thus, the head of the Mexican government will bid farewell to a six-year term marked by a series of scandals of corruption and violence. To this is added the criticism of his wife, former actress Angelica Rivera, a first lady qualified as "wasteful" and disconnected from the reality of Mexicans.

We recall here some of the scandals in which the popular "Seagull" was involved during these six years as the first lady of the world. Mexico.

In November 2016, Angelica Rivera He was at the center of the controversy. The British newspaper "The Guardian" said that the actress had used a luxury property in Florida, United States, purchased by Pierdant, a company seeking to enter into contracts of $ 1 million with the Mexican government.

According to the English media, the property located in Miami Beach was valued at $ 2.05 million.

In one of his first interviews as first lady of Mexico in may 2013, Angelica Rivera He presented his family home to the magazine "Hola", in which he explained that he spent his life with Enrique Peña Nieto and the rest of the family.

In one of his first interviews as first lady of Mexico in May 2013, the actress of productions such as "Destilando amor" and "Mariana de la noche" presented to the magazine "Hola" her luxurious family house in Las Lomas de Chapultepec, where she explained that she had a good life with Enrique Peña Nieto and the rest of the family.

A few months later, a journalistic investigation revealed that the luxurious residence, valued at $ 7 million, had been purchased from the Higa Group, one of the government's leading contractors. The actress said that the purchase had been made with her artist income. Despite this, the acquisition of the property was questioned and the president had to apologize to the country.

In early 2016, a journalistic investigation cast doubt on how Peña Nieto managed to get married. Angelica Rivera and the way in which the Mexican Catholic Church accelerated the cancellation of the first lady's previous marriage.

According to the ecclesiastical authorities, Salinas would be responsible for "simulating the administration of the sacrament and marriage (between Rivera and Peña Nieto) "and they questioned him for" not having licenses "from the archdiocese and" having acted publicly for several years as he had. " "After that, Salinas was banned and unable to perform his priestly activity.

Rivera has been criticized for playing with his daughters and daughters-in-law at exclusive stores in Beverly Hills. This happened at a time when thousands of Mexicans marched in the streets to demand justice for the disappearance of 43 students in Iguala, Guerrero State.

The artist was accused of wasting money from the country while he was Mexico many families live in poverty.

Their expensive costumes have raised more criticism in a country where half of the population lives in poverty. The dress used by the first lady and her daughter Sofía Castro during President Peña Nieto's official trip to the United Kingdom aroused the indignation of Mexicans because of its high cost.

The Valentino red suit that the actress wore at the gala dinner at Buckingham Palace would have a value of $ 3,300. The Dolce & Gabbana dress from Sofia was even more expensive than Angélica Rivera's and cost $ 7,274.

In July 2015, the President of Mexico and his wife, Angelica Rivera They organized a scandal on social networks. This happened at a ceremony in France and was shared on YouTube.

The Mexican president and the first lady arrived in the European country to participate in the events of the French National Day. In a video uploaded to YouTube, you see that Peña Nieto he made a remark to the first Mexican lady.

On the YouTube images, we see that the first lady tries to touch Peña Nieto's arm and avoids it.

Another video posted on YouTube, which shows that the head of the Mexican state would have "revenged", since in the beginning, he tried to walk hand in hand with Angelica Rivera and she rejected it.

Angelica Rivera

Angelica Rivera, wife of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. (Video: YouTube)


The last controversy that was involved Angelica Rivera This is the recent visit that he made to members of the program of the show "Ventaneando" at the official residence of Los Pinos.

This "guided tour" of the former actress TV journalist Tv Azteca was not very well part of the public opinion of the Mexico He has been described as displaced.

It was so much the discontent of the Mexicans on Twitter that Angelica Rivera has become subject trend.

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