Miguel Hidalgo is still in love with Tilsa Lozano? Miguelón clarifies everything


November 28, 2018 4:00 pm

Miguel Hidalgo was present at the inauguration of Tilsa Lozano beauty salon. The popular "Miguelón" was not intimidated by the press and encouraged to declare himself with his ex-wife and the mother of their two children. According to the businessman, he has long recommended the exvengadora to open his own business.

Similarly Miguel Hidalgo he asked the reporters present to stop speculating on the bad relationship he was having with Tilsa Lozanobecause she said that she is the mother of her children and that her whole family loves her.

On the other hand, the businessman was in trouble when they asked him if he still lacked Tilsa Lozano and the good relations that had appeared in the newspaper. social networks.

"It's strange to have a good couple who places you, a great mother, how can I not miss her? I'd like to try to think we'll always be a family." I will tell you that I will always have a special love for the mother of my children, I still have many mixed feelings, "he added.

However, it was not the most difficult thing he had to answer, because the most uncomfortable question was when they asked him if his heart was feeling anything more for the ex-vengeful.

"I really believe that my heart will always beat something for her, for the moment, I do not see myself with another person, I was with the best," she said. The departure of Miguel Hidalgo surprised the journalists present.

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