Milagros Salazar invokes Aeromoza: "Why believe in a party?" Photo 1 of 7 | Politics


The congressman Milagros Salazar (Fuerza Popular) justified this morning the quote made to the air hostess of the airline Latam Peru who denounced his colleague Moisés Mamani through inappropriate contacts within the parliamentary ethics committee.

"Of course, you have to come in. If there is a complaint, you have to listen to both parties, why believe in one part and why not give it the right?" [a la otra]? This would involve not respecting the rules of procedure, "he questioned. Salazar in dialogue with the press.

"She, as she denounced, will also have to demonstrate, tell the facts so that we can see the evidence and punish the MP if necessary," he said.


He wondered in this regard that the Ministry of Women's Affairs and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP) claimed that the woman who had denounced Mamani do not go to this working group.

As was recalled yesterday, through Twitter, the MIMP has asked Parliament to avoid reimagining the airline worker and "respecting the privacy rights of the airline". flight attendant ", alleging that the ethics committee could" request a copy of their statement, statements to the Office of the Prosecutor ".

In this line, Salazar He maintained that this department does not represent him; since then, his statement on the aggression suffered by Keiko Fujimori by Carlos Galdós was "tenuous".

"I regret that the Ministry of Women to have this position because for a grievance to Keiko Fujimori has not been pronounced, only [ha emitido] a weak statement, and for the other cases, it is pronounced. Then this Ministry of Women does not represent me, "he said.

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